Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Fall

OMG! I just found this show on Netflix and it is the creepiest show I've seen in a LONG time...

Especially when watching it at night. Alone.

Freakin creepy.

Monday, February 26, 2018

La La La...Coming up Roses...La La La

That song is going through my head.  I can only remember the Coming up Roses part and no other words.

I guess there are worse songs in the world to go through my head. 

It was a good weekend this weekend.  Things are looking up. But my two issues are still there.  I guess I just need to be Patient.

I have a hard time with Patience.

I had a dream that I had a house for sale and the people at work found out about it.  And for some reason it was a really bad thing.  Then I woke up, glad to figure out it was a dream.

Peace out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Friday has Passed...

Friday has passed and the items I’d like to be move out of my life, well they are still here...

I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

The babies are doing great and life is pretty good.

That’s all I got.

Peace out.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Prayers Please

First let me say my life is a pretty damn good one.

However right now I really need some things to move out of my life so I can move on with the next chapter in my life.

It is immensely frustrating to know that literally only one thing (or two in my case) is stopping every thing.

I’m praying and others are praying for us. But no movement - it scares me - it makes me think it’s not  happening because something not so nice is going to crop up.

I hate being in limbo.

I’m praying that movement is engaged formally by Friday.

Pray with me please.🙏

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I'm Starting Again...

I've decided to blog again...

Not much to say today. Just photos of the babies to start out with...

The Fall

OMG! I just found this show on Netflix and it is the creepiest show I've seen in a LONG time... Especially when watching it at night....